The Alberta Prostate Cancer Research Initiative

A made-in-Alberta initiative to make innovative research a part of patient care for those living with prostate cancer.

What is the BioRepository?

You can help us make an impact by donating biospecimens. Learn more

State-of-the-art Facilities

APCaRI works out of various research labs across the province. Learn more

Join our Team

Our world-class research and training programs need you. Learn More

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Your support helps us to make progress!

Did you know that the most direct way to support APCaRI is through the Alberta Cancer Foundation?

You can donate online today.

Or, there are many other ways to help. Participate in clinical trials, donate samples to the BioRepository, support local events. Learn more.

The Bird Dogs: Pointing for the Prostate Cancer Cure

For years, Frank Sojonky hid his battle with prostate cancer […]

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Our International Network of Partners

Meeting these ambitious goals will not be possible without the committed engagement of our many partners across Alberta, Canada and the World. Learn more about our Partners.