Falling Walls Venture – Berlin 2018

Congratulations to John Lewis and Nanostics for winning an entry into the highly competitive and prestigious Falling Walls Venture Conference in Berlin, November 8-9, 2018!
Five presenters pitched their healthcare-related ideas and innovations to a panel of tech and business-savvy judges and a large audience on Aug 29, 2018, at the University of Alberta in a high-stakes “TEDTalk” meets “Dragon’s Den” style. The competition was tough but John Lewis edged out the fellow contenders to win a chance to pitch a 5-minute talk on Nanostics’ high-accuracy prostate cancer diagnostic reflex test: ClarityDX Prostate.
John talked with Mark Connolly from the CBC Edmonton Morning show on September 4 about the Falling Walls competition and what he is preparing for this November.
Good luck to John Lewis at the Falling Walls Finale in Berlin!