It’s Movember, time to Grow a Mo for a Bro!

It’s Movember, time to grow your moustache to raise funds and awareness of some serious health risks that men face, like suicide, testicular cancer and prostate cancer. Maybe growing a moustache isn’t your thing? No problem, host a Mo-ment for the men in your life instead!
APCaRI is a key stakeholder in the TrueNTH Global Registry; contributing 92% of the submitted patients in February 2018. Recently described by Evans et al., 2017 in an article published in BMJ Open, this project was established as an international registry with the goal to monitor the care of men with localised prostate cancer from 13 Movember-fundraising countries. Prostate cancer treatment and outcomes for men vary according to where they live, their race and the care they receive. The TrueNTH Global Registry is collecting a dataset based on the International Consortium for Health Outcome Measures (ICHOM) so we can better understand how to improve the care and treatment of men with localized prostate cancer, regardless of ethnicity and geography.
Please check out previous APCaRI blog posts that have talked about Movember (@Movember); the international Mens’ health Awareness charity, and about TrueNTH (@TrueNTH_Canada); a program funded by Prostate Cancer Canada (PCC) and the Movember Foundation that aims to improve the quality of life of men with prostate cancer and their families.
So start growing (or attach) your moustache today to raise funds and awareness to improve mens’ health!