

Tumor vascular responses to antivascular and antiangiogenic strategies: looking for suitable models

Contributors: Jihane Mriouah, PhD
Trends Biotechnol. 2012 Dec;30(12):649-58. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2012.08.006. Epub 2012 Sep 26.


Antiangiogenic and vascular disrupting agents are in the current cancer therapeutic armamentarium. A better understanding of the intricate mechanisms ruling neovessel survival within tumors during or after treatment is needed. Refinement of imaging and a growing knowledge of molecular biology of tumor vascularization provide new insights. It is necessary to define suitable methods for monitoring tumor response and appropriate tools to analyze data. This review compares most commonly used preclinical models, considering their recent improvements, and describes promising new approaches such as microfluidics, real-time electrical impedance based technique and noninvasive imaging techniques. The advantages and limitations of the in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models are discussed. This review also provides a critical summary of emerging approaches using mathematical modeling.


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Inspiring support for prostate cancer research at the 2015 CCI Golf Classic

Members of the APCaRI team felt very fortunate yesterday to participate in the Alberta Cancer Foundation’s 27th Annual Cross Cancer Institute Golf Classic – a wonderful event that has raised more than $10 million to pioneer revolutionary projects in support of patients at Alberta’s own Cross Cancer Institute and beyond. And the event yesterday was truly inspiring for me and our team! Thanks to the kindness and overwhelming generosity of the many sponsors and attendees, and the spectacular efforts of MC and auctioneer Danny Hooper, more than $1.1M was raised to support cutting edge research into cancer metastasis and the clinical study of our new blood and urine tests for aggressive prostate cancer.

Heartfelt thanks to the amazing volunteers, the organizing committee, the Alberta Cancer Foundation, and all of the participants and donors who attended the event!



- John Lewis