

Metastasis as a therapeutic target in prostate cancer: a conceptual framework

Contributors: Andries Zijlstra Research Group, Katie Hebron, John D. Lewis Research Group, David Bond, PhD, Konstantin Stoletov, PhD, Srijan Raha
Am J Clin Exp Urol. 2014 Apr;2(1):45-56.


Metastasis is the main cause of prostate cancer-associated deaths. While significant progerss has been made in the treatment of primary tumors, efficent therapies that target the metastatic spread of prostate cancer are far from clinical reality. To efficiently treat cancer we need be able to impede its spread. Unfortunately, the majority of current therapeutics approved to treat metastatic cancer were originally selected based on their ability to inhibit primary tumor growth. This inherent flaw precluded these therapies from efficiently targeting the development of secondary metastatic lesions, a process that is distinct from that of primary tumor progression. In this review we will summarize the conceptual, cellular and molecular targets that should be considered to design effective anti-metastatic therapies.



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Clinical Validation Trial of ClarityDX Prostate, a made-in-Alberta blood test to improve the diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

John Lewis will be presenting a seminar entitled “Clinical Validation Trial of ClarityDX Prostate, a made-in-Alberta blood test to improve the diagnosis of Prostate Cancer” at the University of Alberta Urology Grand Rounds this Friday, Feb 8, at the NAUC Auditorium. Please come out and join us for this early morning seminar, your presence is appreciated!
John will discuss the progress in the discovery and clinical validation of novel biomarkers for prostate cancer detection and prognosis. He will also give an overview of the Alberta Prostate Cancer Registry and Biorepository recruitment and future plans, and an overview and goals of the upcoming ClarityDX Prostate blood test clinical validation trial.
Date: Friday, February 8, 2019
Time: 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Location: NAUC Auditorium (7th floor) in the Kaye Edmonton Clinic
See you on Friday!

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