Members of APCaRI have full access to state-of-the-art core facilities at the Universities of Alberta and Calgary and the different research laboratories across the province and in collaboration with Vanderbilt University.
All aspects of scientific imaging are accessible to team members at different sites including: Electron Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Intravital Imaging, automated microscopy and image analysis, Single-Cell labeling, tracking and analysis, cell and Whole-Animal imaging of tumor cell behavior.

- The Live Cell Imaging Facility
- The Centre for Advanced Technologies
- The Cell Imaging Centre
- Cell Imaging Facility at the CCI
- Sojonky Centre for Intravital Imaging
Flow Cytometry Facilities
Many different flow cytometers are available at the different institutions and provide researchers with the ability to perform analytical analyses as well as cell sorting. Our technologies range from the standard instruments such as the BD FACS Calibur, BD Influx, BD LSR Fortessa, the Amnis Image stream as well as the Apogee A50 for sub micron analyses of nanoparticles.
- FOMD Core Resources, University of Alberta
- Flow Cytometry Facility at the Cross Cancer Institute (Edmonton)
- Flow Cytometry Core Facility , University of Calgary
- Small Particle Flow Cytometry Facility at The Lewis Lab
APCaRI members have access to a complete set of proteomics and mass spectrometry tools. Typical services include services such as protein identification and molecular weight determination, amino acid analysis and peptide synthesis.
- Alberta Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Facility, University of Alberta
- Peptide Synthesis Lab, U Calgary
- Southern Alberta Mass Spectrometry (SAMS) Centre for Proteomics
APCaRI researchers have access to state-of-the-art metabolomics equipment, a comprehensive set of tools, bioinformatics resources, and scientific expertise to fulfill the parameters of any metabolomics experiments.
- Metabolomics Innovation Centre, University of Alberta
- Bio-NMR Centre, University of Calgary
The genetic analysis of all aspects of prostate cancer is performed in individual research laboratories. More in depth analyses such as deep sequencing are performed in centres in both Calgary and Edmonton. Access to Sanger Sequencing, Next Generation Sequencing, Genotyping, DNA/RNA sizing and quantification, Real Time PCR and instruments such as Life Technologies 3130/3130xl Genetic Analyzers, Illumina MiSeq, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, QIAxcel, AB 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR are available.
- Applied Genomics Core (TAGC) University of Alberta
- University Core DNA services
- SACRI Microarray and Genomics Facility
The analysis of lipids and lipid metabolites is currently available at the University of Alberta. Services include analysis of plasma, cell culture medium other body fluids as well as intracellular compartment for lipoproteins, cholesterol, tryglycerides, phospholipids, bile acids. Additionally researchers can measure various nucleotides (xanthine, inosine,NAD,etc), short and long chain CoAs, ceramindes, etc.
Preclinical Animal Studies
At both the Universities of Alberta and Calgary, as well as the Cross Cancer Institute preclinical animal studies can be conducted. All experimentation is conducted according to the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care. Researchers have access to levels one and two biocontainment for rodents as well as other animal models. The Alberta Institute of Virology and Immunology also developed a purposed built suite of BSL-2 space for work with infectious agents. Veterinarians are available for all protocol development. In addition to the animal facilities, technical assistance is available for monitoring by MRI, PET imaging including small animal PET scanner, multimodality small animal PET/CT scanner, clinical PET/CT and SPECT/CT.
Analysis of Biopsy Specimens
APCaRI researchers have access to different scientific units which specialize in the processing and analysis of tissue biopsies for biomarker development and assessment. Services at these different units include cutting edge quantitative immunohistochemistry technologies to perform cancer biomarker research using human cancer specimens. Collection of FFPE patient samples, tissue microarray construction, and quantitative digital analysis services are also readily available. Additionally Nanostring analyses of mRNA, miRNA, DNA genomics are available both in
- Functional Tissue Imaging Facility, Alberta Cancer Research Biorepository and Translational Laboratories
- Anatomical Pathology Unit, University of Alberta
- Advanced Pathology & Imaging Core , University of Alberta
- Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute Microarray and Genomics Facility
Clinical Trials
Translating any scientific discovery to patient outcomes requires a clinical trial. A clinical trial requires a significant amount of work to design, implement and analyze. APCaRI is working with experienced professionals who are helping to design our current and future clinical trials.
Cancer Research Institutes of Alberta
The province of Alberta has two cancer research institutes, situated north and south, Edmonton and Calgary. Both institutes bring together researchers and clinicians to translate scientific discoveries to patient care.