Bioinformatics, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Alberta
Dr. Alhajj completed his PhD training at the Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey in 1993 in computer engineering and information science. He has published over 300 papers in refereed international journals and conferences. His research interests include machine learning, data mining, and network modeling and analysis. These techniques can be applied to bioinformatics research, such as gene regulatory networks derivation and control, data sampling, sample selection, and feature reduction and identifying biomarkers for diseases such as cancer.
Relevant Publications
Mehmet Kaya, Abdullah Sarhan, Reda Alhajj. Multiple sequence alignment with affine gap by using multi-objective genetic algorithm. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB) 114(1):38-49 (2014)
Mehmet Kaya, Reda Alhajj. Development of multidimensional academic information networks with a novel data cube based modeling method. Inf. Sci. (ISCI) 265:211-224 (2014)
M. Omair Shafiq, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne. Log based business process engineering using fuzzy web service discovery. Knowl.-Based Syst. (KBS) 60:1-9 (2014)
Ali Rahmani, Salim Afra, Omar Zarour, Omar Addam, Negar Koochakzadeh, Keivan Kianmehr, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne. Graph-based approach for outlier detection in sequential data and its application on stock market and weather data. Knowl.-Based Syst. (KBS) 61:89-97 (2014)
Peter Peng, Omar Addam, Mohamad Elzohbi, Sibel Tariyan Özyer, Ahmad Elhajj, Shang Gao, Yimin Liu, Tansel Özyer, Mehmet Kaya, Mick J. Ridley, Jon G. Rokne, Reda Alhajj Reporting and analyzing alternative clustering solutions by employing multi-objective genetic algorithm and conducting experiments on cancer data. Knowl.-Based Syst. (KBS) 56:108-122 (2014)
Ali Rahmani, Alan Chen, Abdullah Sarhan, Jamal Jida, Mohammad Rifaie, Reda Alhajj. Social media analysis and summarization for opinion mining: a business case study. Social Netw. Analys. Mining (SNAM) 4(1) (2014)
Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Reda Alhajj. Using context-specific effect of miRNAs to identify functional associations between miRNAs and gene signatures. BMC Bioinformatics (BMCBI) 14(S-12):S1 (2013)
Shang Gao, Alan Chen, Ali Rahmani, Tamer N. Jarada, Reda Alhajj, Douglas J. Demetrick, Jia Zeng. MCF: A tool to find multi-scale community profiles in biological networks. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB) 112(3):665-672 (2013)
Ala Qabaja, Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Tarek A. Bismar, Reda Alhajj. Protein network-based Lasso regression model for the construction of disease-miRNA functional interactions. EURASIP J. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (EJBSB) 2013:3 (2013)
Utku Erdogdu, Mehmet Tan, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat, Jon G. Rokne, Douglas J. Demetrick. Integrating machine learning techniques into robust data enrichment approach and its application to gene expression data. IJDMB 8(3):247-281 (2013)
Mehmet Tan, Faruk Polat, Reda Alhajj. Subtree selection in kernels for graph classification. IJDMB 8(3):294-310 (2013)
Derar Alassi, Reda Alhajj. Effectiveness of template detection on noise reduction and websites summarization. ” Inf. Sci. (ISCI) 219:41-72 (2013)
Faraz Rasheed, Muhaimenul Adnan, Reda Alhajj. Out-of-core detection of periodicity from sequence databases. Knowl. Inf. Syst. (KAIS) 36(1):277-301 (2013)
Abdelghani Guerbas, Omar Addam, Omar Zarour, Mohamad Nagi, Ahmad Elhajj, Mick J. Ridley, Reda Alhajj. Effective web log mining and online navigational pattern prediction. ” Knowl.-Based Syst. (KBS) 49:50-62 (2013)
Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Tarek A. Bismar, Reda Alhajj. Detecting Cancer Outlier Genes with Potential Rearrangement Using Gene Expression Data and Biological Networks. Adv. Bioinformatics (ABI) 2012 (2012)
Mohammed Alshalalfa, Gary D. Bader, Anna Goldenberg, Quaid Morris, Reda Alhajj. Detecting microRNAs of high influence on protein functional interaction networks: a prostate cancer case study. BMC Systems Biology (BMCSB) 6:112 (2012)
Ela Yildizer, Ali Metin Balci, Mohammad Hassan, Reda Alhajj. Efficient content-based image retrieval using Multiple Support Vector Machines Ensemble. Expert Syst. Appl. (ESWA) 39(3):2385-2396 (2012)
Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Mehmet Tan, Ghada Naji, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat, Jon G. Rokne. Revealing miRNA Regulation and miRNA Target Prediction Using Constraint-Based Learning. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (TSMC) 42(6):1354-1364 (2012)
Mohammad Khabbaz, Keivan Kianmehr, Reda Alhajj. Employing Structural and Textual Feature Extraction for Semistructured Document Classification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (TSMC) 42(6):1566-1578 (2012)
Mohamad Nagi, Ahmad Elhajj, Omar Addam, Ala Qabaja, Omar Zarour, Tamer N. Jarada, Shang Gao, Jamal Jida, Ayman Murshid, Iyad Suleiman, Tansel Özyer, Mick J. Ridley, Reda Alhajj. Robust framework for recommending restructuring of websites by analysing web usage and web structure data. IJBIDM 7(1/2):4-20 (2012)
Ömer Özgün Isikman, Tansel Özyer, Omar Zarour, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat. TempoXML: Nested bitemporal relationship modeling and conversion tool for fuzzy XML. Inf. Sci. (ISCI) 193:247-274 (2012)
Mona Okasha, Abdallah M. ElSheikh, Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Ghada Naji, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne. Functional characterization of drug-protein interactions network. Intell. Data Anal. (IDA) 16(1):137-152 (2012)
Faraz Rasheed, Reda Alhajj. Periodic pattern analysis of non-uniformly sampled stock market data. ” Intell. Data Anal. (IDA) 16(6):993-1011 (2012)
Onur Can Sert, Kayhan Dursun, Tansel Özyer, Jamal Jida, Reda Alhajj. The Unification and Assessment of Multi-Objective Clustering Results of Categorical Datasets with H-Confidence Metric. J. UCS (JUCS) 18(4):507-531 (2012)
Ming Zhang, Reda Alhajj. Effectiveness of NAQ-tree in handling reverse nearest-neighbor queries in high-dimensional metric space. Knowl. Inf. Syst. (KAIS) 31(2):307-343 (2012)
Ela Yildizer, Ali Metin Balci, Tamer N. Jarada, Reda Alhajj. Integrating wavelets with clustering and indexing for effective content-based image retrieval. Knowl.-Based Syst. (KBS) 31:55-66 (2012)
Reda Alhajj. Success story of the SNAM Journal: fast progress into a well-established and reputable venue. Social Netw. Analys. Mining (SNAM) 2(1):1-3 (2012)
Tansel Özyer, Ming Zhang, Reda Alhajj. Integrating multi-objective genetic algorithm based clustering and data partitioning for skyline computation. Appl. Intell. (APIN) 35(1):110-122 (2011)
Faraz Rasheed, Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Reda Alhajj. Efficient Periodicity Mining in Time Series Databases Using Suffix Trees. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. (TKDE) 23(1):79-94 (2011)
Muhaimenul Adnan, Reda Alhajj. A Bounded and Adaptive Memory-Based Approach to Mine Frequent Patterns From Very Large Databases. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (TSMC) 41(1):154-172 (2011)
Mehmet Tan, Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat. Influence of Prior Knowledge in Constraint-Based Learning of Gene Regulatory Networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. (TCBB) 8(1):130-142 (2011)
Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Ghada Naji, Ala Qabaja, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne. Combining multiple perspective as intelligent agents into robust approach for biomarker detection in gene expression data. IJDMB 5(3):332-350 (2011)
Nasrullah Memon, Uffe Kock Wiil, Reda Alhajj, Claus Atzenbeck, Nicholas Harkiolakis. Harvesting covert networks: a case study of the iMiner database. IJNVO 8(1/2):52-74 (2011)
Keivan Kianmehr, Reda Alhajj. A fuzzy prediction model for calling communities. IJNVO 8(1/2):75-97 (2011)
Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Tansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne. Discovering cancer biomarkers: from DNA to communities of genes. ” IJNVO 8(1/2):158-178 (2011)
Shang Gao, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne, Jiwen Guan. Mining sequential patterns with extensible knowledge representation. ” Intell. Data Anal. (IDA) 15(6):889-911 (2011)
Ming Zhang, Keivan Kianmehr, Reda Alhajj. Effective monitoring by efficient fingerprint matching using a forest of NAQ-trees. ” J. Intell. Inf. Syst. (JIIS) 37(2):267-290 (2011)
Alan Chia-Lung Chen, Shang Gao, Tamer N. Jarada, Ming Zhang, Christos Pavlatos, Panagiotis Karampelas, Reda Alhajj. Effectiveness of Heuristic Based Approach on the Performance of Indexing and Clustering of High Dimensional Data. ” JIKM 10(3):261-271 (2011)
Nasrullah Memon, Reda Alhajj. Introduction to the first issue of Social Network Analysis and Mining journal. ” Social Netw. Analys. Mining (SNAM) 1(1):1-2 (2011)
Reda Alhajj, Nasrullah Memon. Introduction to the second issue of <i>Social Network Analysis and Mining</i> journal: scientific computing for social network analysis and dynamicity. Social Netw. Analys. Mining (SNAM) 1(2):73-74 (2011)
Keivan Kianmehr, Mehmet Kaya, Abdallah M. ElSheikh, Jamal Jida, Reda Alhajj: ”Fuzzy association rule mining framework and its application to effective fuzzy associative classification. Wiley Interdisc. Rew.: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (WIDM) 1(6):477-495 (2011)
Faraz Rasheed, Reda Alhajj. STNR: A suffix tree based noise resilient algorithm for periodicity detection in time series databases. Appl. Intell. (APIN) 32(3):267-278 (2010)
Mehmet Tan, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat. Scalable approach for effective control of gene regulatory networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (ARTMED) 48(1):51-59 (2010)
Ming Zhang, Reda Alhajj. Skyline queries with constraints: Integrating skyline and traditional query operators. Data Knowl. Eng. (DKE) 69(1):153-168 (2010)
Ming Zhang, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne: ”Effectiveness of optimal incremental multi-step nearest neighbor search. ” Expert Syst. Appl. (ESWA) 37(8):6018-6027 (2010)
Mehmet Tan, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat: ”Automated Large-Scale Control of Gene Regulatory Networks. ” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (TSMC) 40(2):286-297 (2010)
Anthony Chiu Wa Lo, Tansel Özyer, Radwan Tahboub, Keivan Kianmehr, Jamal Jida, Reda Alhajj: ”XML materialized views and schema evolution in VIREX. ” Inf. Sci. (ISCI) 180(24):4940-4957 (2010)
Reda Alhajj, Kang Zhang: ”Guest Editors’ Introduction. ” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) 20(2):111-112 (2010)
Negar Koochakzadeh, Keivan Kianmehr, Jamal Jida, Iltae Lee, Reda Alhajj, Jon G. Rokne: ”Semi-Supervised Dynamic Classification for Intrusion Detection. ” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) 20(2):139-154 (2010)
Anthony Chiu Wa Lo, Tansel Özyer, Keivan Kianmehr, Reda Alhajj: ”VIREX and VRXQuery: interactive approach for visual querying of relational databases to produce XML. ” J. Intell. Inf. Syst. (JIIS) 35(1):21-49 (2010)
Ming Zhang, Reda Alhajj: ”Effectiveness of NAQ-tree as index structure for similarity search in high-dimensional metric space. ” Knowl. Inf. Syst. (KAIS) 22(1):1-26 (2010)
Keivan Kianmehr, Mohammed Al-Shalalfa, Reda Alhajj: ”Fuzzy clustering-based discretization for gene expression classification. ” Knowl. Inf. Syst. (KAIS) 24(3):441-465 (2010)
Sertan Girgin, Faruk Polat, Reda Alhajj: ”Improving reinforcement learning by using sequence trees. ” Machine Learning (ML) 81(3):283-331 (2010)