
Prostate cancer might have won many battles…
but with your help, we’ll work hard to win this war.

Help us help you. Make a difference by participating in our studies, and by providing financial support for our efforts.

Donate Online

You can donate to prostate cancer research at APCaRI by giving a gift to the Bird Dogs Chair in Translational Oncology through the University of Alberta using this online form. Tax receipts will be emailed directly to you.

Donate by Cheque

You can donate to prostate cancer research at APCaRI by mailing a donation to the University of Alberta. Please send cheques payable to the University of Alberta, with RES0029708 in the memo line c/o APCaRI to this address:

5-142N Katz Group Building
114th St and 87th Ave
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1

Thank you for your donation!