Radiation Oncologist, Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB
Dr. Usmani’s main focus on research is in prostate brachytherapy. Currently, prostate brachytherapy is an increasingly popular treatment option for localized prostate cancer due to its excellent efficacy, good toxicity profile and convenience. However, there remains a great deal of potential to improve the current technique. Dr. Usmani’s main objective for this research is to characterize current brachytherapy techniques and identify strategies for improving this treatment. This includes quantifying inaccuracies in current brachytherapy techniques, identifying patient populations at a higher risk of toxicity from this treatment, and finding ways to improve our outcomes with brachytherapy implants (using technical and translational approaches).
In addition to this research in prostate brachytherapy, Dr. Usmani is involved in a number of other research endeavours. His other research includes:
• Investigating the utility of magnetic resonant imaging and PET imaging in the management of prostate cancer.
• The role of new biological investigations (imaging/biomarkers) in prostate cancer patients
Relevant Publications
Fallahi B, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Sliding-based image-guided 3D needle steering in soft tissue. Control Engineering Practice 2017 V63, 34-43
Rose JN, Liu D, Boychuk A, Sloboda R, Pervez N, Murtha A, Yee D, Amanie J, Usmani N. Unexpected seed migration in prostate brachytherapy implants coincident with change in seed stranding product. Cureus 2017; doi:10.7759/cureus (Manuscript in press).
Khadem M, Rossa C, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. Feedback-linearization-based 3D needle steering in a Frenet-Serret frame using a reduced order bicycle model. American Control Conference 2017 (Manuscript in press) (Finalist for Best Student Paper Award).
Jamaluddin MF, Ghosh S, Waine MP, Tavakoli M, Amanie J, Murtha AD, Yee D, Usmani N. Intraoperative factors associated with stranded source placement accuracy in low dose rate prostate brachytherapy. Brachytherapy Feb 2017
Khadem M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. A two-body rigid/flexible model of needle steering dynamics in soft tissue. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics Mar 2016; V21(5) 2352-2364
Fallahi B, Khadem M, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Extended bicycle model for needle steering in soft tissue. IROS Dec 2016; 4375-4380
Rossa C, Lehmann T, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. A data-driven soft sensor for needle deflection in heterogeneous tissue suing just-in-time modelling. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2017; DOI: 10.1007/s11517-06-1599-1.
Jamaluddin MF, Ghosh S, Waine MP, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M, Amanie J, Murtha AD, Yee D, Usmani N. Quantifying iodine-125 placement accuracy in prostate brachytherapy using post-implant transrectal ultrasound images. Brachytherapy 2017; 16: 306 – 312.
Khadem M, Rossa C, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. Semi-automated needle steering in biological tissue using an ultrasound-based deflection predictor. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016; V54 (4) 924-938 DOI: 10.1007/s10439-016-1736-x.
Joseph K, Warkentin H, Paulson K, Polkosnik L, Usmani N, Tankel K, Severin D, Nijjar T, Schiller D, Wong C, Ghosh S, Mulder K, Field C. Patient reported quality of life after helical IMRT based concurrent chemoradiation of locally advanced anal cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2016 120(2) 228-233.
Lehmann T, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Needle path control during insertion in soft tissue using a force-based sensor-based deflection estimate. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Sep 2016: 1186-1191.
Carriere J, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Real-time needle path prediction based on image segmentation and particle filtering. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Sep 2016: 1204-1209.
Khadem M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Introducing notched flexible needles with increased deflection curvature in soft-tissue. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Sep 2016:1186-1191.
Rossa C, Khadem M, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Constrained optimal control of needle deflection for semi-manual steering. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Sep 2016: 1198-1203.
Fallahi B, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Partial estimation of needle tip orientation in generalized coordinates in ultrasound image-guided needle insertion. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Sep 2016: 1604-1609.
Waine M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. An integrator-backstepping control approach for out-of-plan needle deflection minimization. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Sep 2016: 1598-1603.
Khadem M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Mechanics of tissue cutting during needle insertion in biological tissue. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Feb 2016; 1(2) 800-807.
Fallahi B, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Sliding-based switching control for image-guided needle steering in soft tissue. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Feb 2016; 1(2) 860-867.
Rossa C, Fong J, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. Multi-actuator haptic feedback on the wrist for needle steering guidance in brachytherapy. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Feb 2016; 852-859 (Also selected for presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden 2016).
Rossa C, Khadem M, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Adaptive quasistatic model for needle deflection estimation during steering in soft tissue. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Feb 2016; 1(2) 916-923. (DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2016.2527065)
Khadem M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Ultrasound-guided model predictive control of needle steering in biological tissue. Journal of Medical Robotics Research 2016; 1(1) 1-17.
Lehmann T, Rossa C, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. A real-time estimator for needle deflection during needle insertion into soft tissue based on adaptive modeling of needle-tissue interactions. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Aug 2016; 21(6): 2601 – 2612.
Morielli AR, Usmani N, Boule NG, Tankel K, Severin D, Nijjar T, Joseph K, Courneya KS. A phase I study examining the feasibility and safety of an aerobic exercise intervention in rectal cancer patients during and after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Oncology Nursing Forum 2016; 43(3): 352 – 362 (DOI: 10.1188/16.ONF.352-362).
Singhal SK, Usmani N, Michiels S, Metzger-Filho O, Kamal SS, Kovalchuk O, Parliament M. Towards understanding the breast cancer epigenome: a comparison of genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression data. Oncotarget 2016; 7(3): 3002 – 3017.
Morielli AR, Usmani N, Boule NG, Severin D, Tankel K, Nijjar T, Joseph K, Courneya KS. Exercise motivation in rectal cancer patients during and after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer 2016; 24(7): 2919-2926 (DOI: 10.1007/s00520-016-3110-9).
Rossa C, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. A hand-held manipulator for semi-automated percutaneous needle steering. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering May 2016; V64 (3) 637-648 99: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2565690.
Vos L, Janoski M, Wachowicz K, Yahya A, Boychak O, Amanie J, Pervez N, Parliament M, Pituskin E, Fallone BG, Usmani N. Role of serial multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging in active surveillance of prostate cancer. World Journal of Radiology 2016 Apr 28; 8(4): 410 – 418. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v8.i4.410.
Khadem M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Ultrasound-guided model predictive control of needle steering in biological tissue. Journal of Medical Robotics Research 2016; 1(1): DOI: 10.1142/S2424905X16400079.
Waine M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Needle tracking and deflection prediction for robot-assisted needle insertion using 2D ultrasound images. Journal of Medical Robotics Research 2016; 1(1): 1 – 11: DOI: 10.1142/S2424905X16400018.
Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Estimation of needle tip deflection in biological tissue from single-image observation: Application to brachytherapy. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2016; 11(7): 1347 – 1359 ( DOI: 10.1007/s11548-015-1329-4).
Waine M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. Three-dimensional needle shape estimation in TRUS-guided prostate brachytherapy using 2-D ultrasound images. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Nov 2016; 20(6): 1621 – 1631: DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2015.2477829.
Joseph K, Nijjar Y, Warkentin H, Schiller D, Tankel K, Usmani N, Severin D, Ghosh S, Syme A, Nijjar T, Doll C, Wong C, Field C. Prospective phase II study of tomotherapy based chemoradiation for locally advanced anal cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2015; 117(2): 234 – 239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2015.08.008.
Hill J, Hackett C, Singhal S, Sloboda R, Menon G, Pedersen J, Pervez N, Yee D, Murtha J, Amanie J, Usmani N. Does location of prostate cancer by sextant biopsies predict for relapse after 125I seed implant brachytherapy? Brachytherapy 2015; (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brachy.2015.07.002); 14(6): 788-794.
Waine M, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. 3D needle shape visualization from 2D ultrasound images using RANSAC. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Jul 2015; 4723 – 4728. (DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139855).
Khadem M, Fallahi B, Rossa C, Sloboda R, Usmani N, Tavakoli M. A mechanics based model for simulation and control of flexible needle steering in soft tissue. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Jul 2015; 2264 – 2259. (DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139499).
Carriere J, Rossa C, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. Needle shape estimation in soft tissue based on partial ultrasound image observation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Jul 2015; 2277 – 2282. (DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139501).
Lehmann T, Rossa C, Usmani N, Sloboda R, Tavakoli M. A virtual sensor for needle deflection estimation during soft-tissue needle insertion. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Jul 2015; 1217 – 1222. (DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139346 ).
Kerns SL, Kundu S, Oh JH, Singhal SK, Janelsins M, Travis LB, Deasy JO, Janssens CJW, Ostrer H, Parliament M, Usmani N, Rosenstein BS. The prediction of radiotherapy toxicity using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)-based models: A step towards prevention. Seminars in Radiation Oncology 2015; 25 (4): 281 – 291.
Boychak O, Vos L, Makis W, Buteau FA, Pervez N, Parliament M, McEwan AJB, Usmani N. Role for 11C-choline PET in active surveillance of prostate cancer. Canadian Urological Association Journal 2015; 9 (3-4): e98 – 103.
Tao R, Tavakoli M, Sloboda R, Usmani N. A comparison of US versus MR based 3D prostate shapes using radial basis function interpolation and statistical shape models. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2015; 19(2): 623 – 634. ( DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2014.2324975).
Saad F, Chi K, Finelli A, Hotte S, Izawa J, Kapoor A, Kassouf W, Loblaw A, North S, Rendon R, So, Usmani N, Vigneault E, Fleshner N. The 2014 CUA-CUOG guidelines for the management of castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC): Canadian Urological Association Journal 2015; 9(3 – 4): 90 – 96.
Drodge S, Boychak A, Pervez N, Patel S, Usmani N, Amanie J, Parliament M, Murtha A, Fields C, Ghosh S. Acute toxicity of hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Current Oncology 2015; 22(2): e76 – 84.
Hackett C, Ghosh S, Sloboda R, Martell K, Lan L, Pervez N, Pedersen J, Yee D, Murtha A, Amanie J, Usmani N. Distinguishing prostate-specific antigen bounces from biochemical failure after low-dose rate prostate brachytherapy. Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy 2014; 6, 3; 247 – 253.
Usmani N, Leong N, Martell K, Lan L, Ghosh S, Pervez N, Pedersen J, Yee D, Murtha A, Amanie J, Sloboda R, Murray D, Parliament M. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) studied for associations with urinary toxicity from Iodine-125 prostate brachytherapy implants. Brachytherapy 2014; 13(3): 285 – 291.
Boroomand A, Tavakoli M, Sloboda R, Usmani N. Dynamical modeling and controllability analysis of a flexible needle in soft tissue. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 2014; 5(2): DOI: 10.1142/S1793962313500311.
Amanie J, Hans-Sonke J, Weust M, Field C, Pervez N, Murtha A, Usmani N, Yee D, Danielson B, Patel S, Macewan R, Robinson D, Wilson J, Lewis D, Parliament M, McEwan AJB. 11C choline PET/CT guided simultaneous integrated boost to dominaint intraprostatic lesions using intensity modulated radiation therapy with helical tomotherapy technique for dose escalation. Journal of Radiation Oncology 2014; 10.1007/s13566-014-0176-1.
Usmani N, Martell K, Ghosh S, Moore H, Pervez N, Pedersen J, Yee D, Murtha A, Amanie J and Sloboda R. Comparison of low and intermediate source strengths for I-125 prostate brachytherapy implants. Brachytherapy 2013 (DOI: 10.1016/j.brachy.2013.02.004).
Jastaniyah N, Sloboda R, Kamal W, Moore H, Ghosh S, Pervez N, Pedersen J, Yee D, Danielson B, Murtha A, Amanie J, Usmani N. Regional treatment margins for prostate brachytherapy. Brachytherapy. 2013 (DOI: 10.1016/j.brachy.2013.04.003).
Liu D, Usmani N, Sloboda R. Transrectal ultrasound based prostate volume determination: Is the frustum algorithm more accurate than planimetry. Medical Physics 2013; 40(3): [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4789920].
Keyes M, Crook J, Morris WJ, Morton G, Pickles T, Usmani N, Vigneault E. Canadian prostate brachytherapy in 2013. Canadian Urological Association Journal 2013; 7: 51 – 58.
Liu, D, Usmani N, Ghosh S, Kamal W, Pedersen J, Pervez N, Yee D, Danielson B, Murtha A, Amanie J, Sloboda R. Comparison of prostate volume, shape and contouring variability determined from pre- implant magnetic resonance and transrectal ultrasound images. Brachytherapy 2012; 11(4): 284 – 291.
Sloboda RS, Usmani N, Monajemi T, Liu D. Impact of edema and seed movement on the dosimetry of prostate seed implants. Journal of Medical Physics 2012; 37(2): 81 – 89.
Usmani N, Chng N, Spadinger I, Morris WJ. Lack of significant intra-prostatic migration of stranded Iodine sources in prostate brachytherapy implants. Brachytherapy. 2011; 10(4): 275 – 285.125
Usmani N, Sloboda R, Kamal W, Ghosh S, Pervez N, Pedersen J, Yee D, Danielson B, Murtha A, Amanie J, Monajemi T. Can images obtained with high field strength MRI reduce contouring variability of the prostate? International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2011; 80(3): 728 – 734.
Chng N, Spadinger I, Morris WJ, Usmani N, Salcudean S. Prostate brachytherapy postimplant dosimetry: Automatic plan reconstruction of stranded implants. Medical Physics. 2011; 38(1): 327 – 342.
Sloboda R, Usmani N, Pedersen J, Murtha A, Pervez P, Yee D. Time course of prostatic edema post permanent seed implant determined by magnetic resonance imaging. Brachytherapy. 2010; 9: 354 – 361.
Joseph K, Syme A, Small C, Warkentin H, Quon H, Ghosh S, Field C, Pervez N, Tankel K, Usmani N, Severin D, Nijjar T, Patel S, Fallone G, Pedersen J. A treatment planning study comparing helical tomotherapy with intensity modulated radiotherapy for the treatment of anal cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2010; 94: 60 – 66.
Usmani N, Foroudi F, Du J, Zakos C, Campbell H, Bryson P, Mackillop WJ. An evidence-based estimate of the appropriate rate of utilization of radiotherapy for cancer of the cervix. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2005; 63(3): 812 – 827.
Lechardeur D, Drzymala L, Sharma M, Zylka D, Kinach R, Pacia J, Hicks C, Usmani N, Rommens JM, Lukacs GL. Determinants of the nuclear localization of the heterodimeric DNA fragmentation factor (ICAD/CAD). Journal of Cell Biology 2000; 150(2): 321 – 334.