Kaye Fund Awards: Congratulations to our APCaRI members!

University Hospital Foundation – Kaye Fund Awards
Congratulations to two APCaRI principal investigators; Dr. John Lewis and Dr. Frank Wuest for their 2018 Kaye Fund Awards! From an initial field of 80 applicants, 7 Kaye Fund Awards in total were given to medical researchers studying a diverse array of health-relevant topics of huge importance to Albertans and the rest of the world alike.
John Lewis’ project is titled “Improving the Management of Prostate Cancer Using Advanced Biofluid Diagnostics” and Frank Wuest’s project is “Novel Radiolabeled PSMA Inhibitors for Clinical PET Imaging of Prostate Cancer”. Both projects are poised to greatly improve prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment in the near future.
The University of Alberta Hospital (UAH), Kaye Edmonton Clinic (KEC) and the University Hospital Foundation (UHF) launched the Kaye Fund Competition in the fall of 2017. Recipients of this inaugural competition were announced July 4th, 2018. The Kaye Fund Competition aims to support individuals or collaborative, inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary teams in the pursuit of research, innovation and quality improvement projects that will establish new approaches to patient care.
The Kaye Fund Award is funded by a transformational $30 million donation from Mr. Donald Kaye. This gift is directed to advancing patient care and medical research to the Kaye Edmonton Clinic, and remains one of largest donations in the history of Canadian healthcare philanthropy.

Through his naming gift to the University Hospital Foundation, Donald Kaye has transformed years of hard work, prudent decision-making and wise investing into one of the largest donations in the history of Canadian healthcare philanthropy. And in doing so, Mr. Kaye is advancing patient care and medical research in a way that is both intently focused, and broadly based.