APCaRI Fall Symposium Oct. 26 to 27, 2018, Banff, Alberta
2018 APCaRI Fall Symposium – Knowledge, Action, Impact
On October 26 – 27, 2018 APCaRI will celebrate its 11th research meeting at the Banff Park Lodge, in Banff, Alberta. Previous fall symposia have had over 60 participants participating in this fun and enriching event, including clinicians, scientists, clinical research personnel, trainees, benefactors and representatives of PCa support groups. Plan on attending the 2018 Fall symposium to discuss and share ideas and enjoy the beautiful Rockies!
Please submit your abstracts to Rume at djebah@ualberta.ca. Please let Rume know as soon as possible if you cannot attend. The APCaRI Fall symposium is generously supported by the Alberta Cancer Foundation and its’ donors
Dates to remember:
Trainee abstract submission deadline is September 10
Registration deadline is September 14
Submit abstracts to djebah@ualberta.ca.