Lorraine Shack, PhD


Department of Oncology
University of Calgary

Cancer Control
Alberta Health Services
East Calgary Health Centre 4715 - 8th Avenue SE,
Calgary AB
T2A 3N4
Tel: 403-476-2519
E-mail: lorraine.shack@albertahealthservices.ca

Director of Cancer Surveillance and Reporting, C-MORE, Alberta Health Services, Adjunct professor, Preventative Oncology and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary

Dr. Lorraine Shack is Director of Surveillance and Reporting, CancerControl Alberta, Alberta Health Services and holds and adjunct joint appointment in Oncology and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary. She joined AHS in 2009 (formerly Cancer Board) from the National Health Service, UK where she lead cancer surveillance activities for the North West Cancer Intelligence Service. Dr Shack’s research interests include cancer survival measures, patient treatment pathways and use of administrative health data. 

Relevant Publications

Shack LH, Lu S, Weeks L, Kerba M, Craighead P. Determining the need and utilization of radiotherapy in cancers of the breast, cervix, lung, prostate and rectum: A population level study. Radiotherapy & Oncology. 2017: 122(1); 152-158

Chadder J, Dewar R, Shack L, et al. A first look at relative survival by stage for colorectal and lung cancers in Canada. Current Oncology. 2016: 23(2): 119-124.

Shack LG, Lau H, Huang L, Doll C, Hao D. Temporal, age and gender trends in human papillomavirus (HPV)-related non-cervical cancers in Alberta, Canada. CMAJopen. 2014; 2(3):E127-32.

Shack LG, Bryant H, Lockwood G, Ellison LF. Conditional relative survival: a different perspective to measuring cancer outcomes. Cancer Epi. 2013: 37(4): 446-448.

Shack LG, Shah A, Lambert PC, Rachet B. Cure by age and stage at diagnosis for colorectal cancer patients in North West England, 1997-2004: a population-based study. Cancer Epi 2012: 36(6): 548-53.

Moran A, O’Hara C, Khan S, Shack L, Woodward E, Maher ER, Lalloo F, Evans DG. Risk of cancer other than breast or ovarian in individuals with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. Fam Cancer. 2012: 11(2): 235-42.

Moffat E, Shack LG, Petz G, Sauve J, Hayward K, Coleman R. The cost of obesity and overweight in 2005: A case study of Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2011: 102(2):144-48.

Ellison LF, Bryant H, Lockwood G, Shack L. Conditional survival analyses across cancer sites. Health matters. April 2011.

Nur U, Shack LG, Rachet B, Carpenter JR, Coleman MP. Modelling relative survival in the presence of incomplete data: a tutorial. International Journal of Epidemiology; 2010; 39: 118-28.

Shack LG, Rachet B, Williams EMI, Northover JMA, Coleman MP. Does the timing of comorbidity affect colorectal cancer survival? A population-based study. Postgraduate Medical Journal; 2010; 86: 73-78.

Woods LM, Rachet B, Shack LG, Catney D, Walsh P, Cooper N, White C, Mak V, Steward J, Comber H, Gavin A, Brewster D, Quinn M, Coleman MP and the UK Association of Cancer Registries. Survival from twenty common adult cancers in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland during the late twentieth century. Health Statistics Quarterly; 2010; 46: 7-26.

Quaglia A, Tavilla A, Shack L, Brenner H, Janssen-Heijnen M, Allemani C, Colonna M, Grande E, Grosclaude P, Vercelli M and the EUROCARE working group. The cancer survival gap between elderly and middle-aged patients in Europe is widening. European Journal of Cancer 2009; 45: 1006-1016.

Shack LG, Jordan C, Thomson CS, Mak V, Møller H on behalf of the UK Association of Cancer Registries. Variation in incidence of breast, lung and cervical cancer and malignant melanoma of skin by socioeconomic group in England. BMC Cancer. 2008; 8: 271-280.

Coleman MP et al. and the CONCORD Working Group. Cancer survival in five continents: first world-wide comparison (CONCORD study). The Lancet Oncology. 2008; 9: 730-756.*Named author as part of the working group

Coleman MP et al. and the CONCORD Working Group. Life tables for world-wide comparison of relative survival for cancer (CONCORD study). Tumori. 2008; 95: 658-668.*Named author  as part of the working group

Shack LG, Rachet B, Brewster DH, Coleman MP. Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in Scotland 1986-2000. Br J Cancer. 2007; 97: 999-1004.

Shack LG, Wood HE, Kang JY, Brewster DH, Quinn MJ, Maxwell JD, Majeed A. Small intestinal cancer in England & Wales and Scotland: time trends in incidence, mortality and survival. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2006; 83: 213-214.

ii. Non-peer reviewed manuscripts

Zhu, C., & Shack, L. (2012). Effective approaches to increase breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening in ethnically and culturally diverse communities: A systematic review. Calgary, Alberta: Public Health Innovations and Decision Support, Alberta Health Services.

Stewart AG, Adams R, Keenan R, Kowalczyk G, Lamont H, Meredith W, Shack L. Remembering Sharon and Rebecca – investigating leukaemia and chemical pollution in Cheshire. Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report. June 2010; 17. Health Protection Agency, London, England.

Möller H, Shack L, Moran A.  Lung cancer in the North West of England. 2008. NWCIS, Manchester.

Stewart A, Morris G, Watts J, Adams R, Keenan R, Kowalczyk G, Lamont H, Meredith W, Shack LG, Frost N, Witherington P. Report into the circumstances around two cases of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: Remembering Sharon and Rebecca. 2008. Health Protection Agency, Chester.

Lemon D, Flatt G, Shack L, Ellison T, Moran A. Excess cancer mortality and incidence by PCT in the North West, 2001-2005. 2007. NWCIS, Manchester

Shack L, Khan S, Moran A. Cancer Incidence projections in the North West. 2007. NWCIS, Manchester

Flatt G, Shack L, Moran A. Spearhead Primary Care Trusts and progress toward decreasing cancer mortality, North West, 1995-2005. 2007. NWCIS. Manchester

Turner L., Shack L, Sharpe J. Bowel Cancer Screening Programme: To support the implementation of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in Cheshire and Merseyside. Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Health Inequalities Group. 2006. NHS, Liverpool

Möller H, Shack L, Ashraf A. Lung cancer in Cheshire and Merseyside. NWCIS, 2006. NHS, Liverpool

Shack L, Kelly J, Möller H, Bishop S, Moran A, Williams EMI. Preliminary report on Place of Death for cancer patients in Merseyside and Cheshire. Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Registry, November 2005.  NHS, Liverpool.

Ashraf Z, et al. Care Homes staffing project: report of the pre-pilot and pilot phases of the study. 2006. National Health Services Scotland. Edinburgh.

Shack L. Ovarian Cancer. In Morrison D (ed.). NHS Quality Improvement Scotland: Clinical Outcome Indicators 2003. NHS QIS, Edinburgh.


Hao D, Lau HY, Huang L, Doll C, Dort J, Shack LG. An analysis of the temporal, age, and gender trends in human papillomavirus virus (HPV)-related versus non-HPV-related head and neck cancers (HNC) in Alberta, Canada. ASCO 2013;  e12505.

Shack L, Lau Hy, Huang L, Doll C, Dort J, Hao D. Beyond cervical cancer: the burden and changing trends of HPV-related versus non-HPV cancer in Alberta from 1975-2009. CAMO Conference, Toronto April 25, 2013.

Shack LG, Rachet B, Nur U, Coleman MP. Role of tumour stage and co-morbidity on socioeconomic inequalities in survival among colorectal cancer patients. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008; 167: s27


Department of Oncology
University of Calgary

Cancer Control
Alberta Health Services
East Calgary Health Centre 4715 - 8th Avenue SE,
Calgary AB
T2A 3N4
Tel: 403-476-2519
E-mail: lorraine.shack@albertahealthservices.ca